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where to network You.

There are many jobs sites out there..the trick is to finding one who will notice you.

Networking and getting your name, message about you, and your experience, qualifications, etc.
out there into the public
are key steps in finding people who may be interested in meeting with you.

In the meantime, while searching for your new career, you may or may not have tons of items you no longer need or want. Downsizing is a good thing to attempt while out of work.

 It not only helps the feng shui flow in your home and personal life, it also gives you more space and room. It gives a fresh start to life and a little extra cash in your pocket.

craigslist, freecycle, ebay, and many other sites offer free classified ads to either sell or give away items.

If you have a product you wish to sell, create, or invent and even just promote try the following: this is always worth a try, a youtube video really promotes success in raising funds for your project.
as well as reading the training class provided to help you be successful!

Making a webpage to start a new business sounds complicated. It takes a little help sometimes in creating new things!

 I can help create webpages designed to fit you and your new business needs.
I can help you promote you as well.

Believe it or not, many companies look to your own personal webpages to find out who you are as a person. I can help you edit your information to make it look professional and hire worthy.

what the hell is feng shui you are still wondering, eh? it is the art of placement to create flow of life's energy.
when i rearranged my living room and followed the placement steps, it was easy to find work! before that no matter what i did, just didnt work, includint me. my feng shui was nonexistent.

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