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Monday, March 5, 2012

full moon effects on sleep habits...

we all know about luna-tics. that is what they call people like me. i cannot sleep and am much more creative with my mind going a hundred miles a minute usually through the night many nights before and during a full moon...

why why why?

i do not understand it.

However, am very thankful for the time off work where i can sleep in the next day after such nights.

the nights i cannot sleep are actually great nights for writing songs, poetry, stories, and lobbying for political actions to improve our world.

how do you like that? the goldfish swimming to the right of the screen? haha i love them...
i have two goldfish at home that i bought from a walmart store last year with every intention of adding them to the small pond outside...i didnt have the heart to leave them out in the dark all alone...bonnie and clyde live indoors. with me. and the rest of the family.
they have yet to meet max emerson, the new cat who lives downstairs. lucky marley the dog has yet to meet bonnie and clyde or the cat....
not up for that much adventure in my house. just quite yet.

i come up with some great stuff during a full moon...

maybe i should be looking for a night job where i can stay up all night long...and fall asleep in the sunshine the next day....ahhh i love sleeping in the sunshine...or on rainy days...
of course on second thought imagine how many great ideas i may want to develop at night and am busy working..sometimes if i dont write them down write away i forget them..hmmm
maybe i am writing about sleep cause i actually need some now...

wow. talk about it and it happens. kinda like that book by rhonda byrnes The Secret-Imagine it. write it. believe it. see it happen.

or like the saying if you build it they will come....

that of the fact i am about to give up on my poor laptop and give it a rest for a night. it is burning hot on the bottomside.

why are so many of us wide awake on nights before or during a full moon?

i should google that...

you would think i would have the answer here since i am after all writing about it eh?

right. not so. if there is something i want to know i google it pinterest search it

or ask the facebook majority.

sometimes i just give a shout out to twitter.

notice how never once did i mention "look it up in the dictionary"?

yeah poor webster...he would be sad to know google and wiki pretty much have replaced the good ole dictionary...

yes my dears friends...there ya have it folks...this is just a small portion of what people do when there is a full moon and cannot sleep.....

there were many car crashes and pile ups on I-80 and I-74 and Hwy 61 tonight due to a light dusting of snow that turned to ice.

as i looked out my window i watched cars speed by in confusion and utter disgust that so many people did not even once consider the roads to be dangerous in the slightest bit enough to slow down.

the cars go go go in the snow...little do they know in the snow go they just keep on and  go go go til the snow says no that is not how it goes....oh no...and crashes happen.

what a suprise. were they really that shocked their car slid and crashed, smashed and bashed the fender bender caused by snow and ice...really cannot find an excuse to suffice,,,they stil wonder why why why and i still wonder in confusion and suprise...

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