please sign this!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

please sign the petition to help all families who faced adoption and want to reunite with their loved ones or even find their family history.

it is a travesty to the american people who are treated as prisoners with their own personal information about their own lives being withheld from them.

 it is wrong. people should be able to choose who they know and if they wish to associate with others. this includes the right to know themselves. this affects everyone in some shape or form. believe it or not.
many politicians already approve of this! we need your support to help those who are lost in the world and desperately seeking their own identity and families.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

after networking on many of the sites i have listed on where to network you i found a way to earn income on things i already purchase each month at home.

please email me. i am pretty excited about it. it wont pay all the bills but it is definitely a good start in the right direction!

email me at if you would like to learn more yourself!

Friday, February 10, 2012

no job doesnt mean i cant earn cash!

As you all may know I haven't worked a real job in over a year. Through networking, friends, creativity and new opportunities I have found a way to be successful and still earn income. I have God to thank for all of the wonderful ways to follow my dreams of providing for my family. I am ready to share with you ways you can earn money from home while buying things you already buy. There is a great chance you will meet wonderful new friends and be successful while having more quality time to spend with your family. What other business offers that chance? message me at if you would like to learn how you to can follow your dreams!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

no real job doesnt mean you can't be successful

Without a real job, you cannot earn money. Ever hear the old saying God provides? It is true.

 While off work it is important to follow your dreams.

 it is a lot like the old saying If you keep doing what you are doing you are gonna keep getting what you are getting.

When you make yourself productive through volunteer work or hobbies you have always wanted to try, you find what you love to do.

When you do what you love and love what you do, the money will come eventually.

Be in the right place at the right time. When you hear opportunity knocking do you answer the door?

No real job is your opportunity to open the door to new things.

I began editing photos I had taken. I began taking more photos. I love photography.

I had always wanted to be an artist and help others when I grew up. I had always wanted to write a book.

I have a passion for chairs and rescuing things to save the earth and to save things that I see potential beauty in.

I began dragging home old chairs, desks, benches,and vanities and sanding stripping them staining and painting which equalled a small bit of income!

 Painted furniture is gaining popularity in the midwest.

In fact there is a very prestigious company in chicago that only paints vintage furniture in black or white.

 I googled painted furniture after I had painted a few pieces to see what I should put as a price tag on my work.
The numbers in that chicago store were quite high!
Since traveling there was not an option, the lower sale price was good enough for me at the time.

The neighborhood I live in is pretty quiet, a lot of older retired couples who travel, a few empty homes, and families with kids who are all never home.

The project i started along with a neighborhood group to add a community garden and park area to improve the empty barren city lot in my neighborhood of 160 home area is coming along quite nicely!

The book idea and my photography work are gaining possibilities and exposure on the internet. I hope to find funding for my book project within the next year.

Who knew my love of photography would ever turn into prints in an art studio or a book even?

God has a plan for us. Remember that saying?

Things are coming together quite nicely!

There are many other ideas I created like helping others experience the joy of painting a canvas.

It can even turn into an event at a fundraiser by auctioning off all ages participants artwork to their friends and family members or even the local art aficionado!
My project is called DonatePaint.

Helping others and creating websites out of my ideas as I go along each day have created many great opportunities to help make a difference.

The key is to network your ideas, enjoy your time off from a real job try something new and who knows You too may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome!