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Monday, January 30, 2012

We may feel like our life is over without our job.

 Believe me, it is not easy to start all over.

 To even write out a job application can be turmultuous.

 To create a new resume can be devastating.

 How about facing your family? Finances? Budget?

betya that is shot without a job eh?.

No job doesn’t mean you are dead however,

 if you have planned ahead with a savings account, retirement fund or resources that may be available to help you survive.

I will cover many of those resources here.

 if you have any questions just ask!

 Consultations are available at a flat rate of 15 hour to help you figure out a plan.

 A very low cost investment for your future!

You can also email me and follow the blog at no charge.

There will be many links to resources for job searches here and will be more as i build my base and broaden my horizons.

Together we will learn how to work from home.

 You do know once you get a taste of unemployment and the freedom to set your own hours
 it is hard to return to a full time job for someone on their time.