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what is our purpose in life?

To overcome a challenge in life will lead you to Shine!

when you have a challenge to overcome you may feel as if you are
going to sink to your lowest level in life.

The trick is if you sink not to stay there. ask for help!
Many people love to help others.

Many of us at one point or other have wondered what is our purpose in life?

Our purpose is to help others.

plain and simple.

we are all so self absorbed in our own troubles we do not even realize for a moment
 that many have it way worse than we ourselves do.

We are all just trying to survive.

I am publishing an inspirational book in the near future called Shine or Sink featuring inspirational words and messages with photography work I have been wondering what to do with.

To find out just how many people truly are your friends, try going without work for an entire year and living on the bare minimum for your family.

Just because I do not have a job doesn't mean i am dead. It just means I cannot go out every weekend. And this is where we find who are friends really are.

Those who stick around and realize your situation and really do help you out in rough times is a good friend.

Those who never once call, not a good friend. I do understand that we all have problems in life, but remember

our purpose in life is to help others!

Some friends who do not realize this fact may be left well enough on the curbside for better friends to take their spot.

I am not trying to say dump all of our friends or even trying to make enemies.

these are just the facts of life.

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