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Sunday, March 4, 2012

jobless in davenport, iowa

The american idol idiot and american idol television show in general gave davenport, iowa a very bad name and image.

i am disappointed and will not be watching the show any longer. it may have been "funny" to some - but to destroy an entire cities image of being a family friendly and tourist area growing better each year is unacceptable.

Our art and crafts area of small business owners and galleries, shops, restaurants is growing tremendously spurring growth along our Mississippi river front and in the downtown Davenport, iowa area.

We still host the Bix Fest with the world famous race to run and win a new car and cash. People do come from all over the world to run the famous Brady Street hill and course.

I do create furniture art, photography prints and editing, as well as creating webpages for businesses and charities. All as volunteer time. Something is bound to turn up for a "real job" I have faith in God that work will be provided to me to do my part in the world and serve my purpose. Which way do I go about starting this task to find my spot in the world to earn an income?

WIth chronic pain and fibromyalgia after an excruciating painful back injury of soft tissue and muscles-which really cannot be tested by any sort of medical equipment for proof i was sent on my way and fired from my job. I took an year and a half treating with chiropractors and other specialists as well as physical therapy. nothing worked. after another 6 months of resting and healing on my own, i am now ready as i will ever be to get back to work.

After enduring the pain, the job loss, not yet realizing I have an opportunity to create my own future...I asked why?
 Then realized, I do have a chance to serve God's purpose in life and do some pretty amazing things to discover my own talents. God does provide and offers opportunities along our paths.

I have helped organize a neighborhood group. we are in the works for planning a community garden complete with benches a play area and fruit trees berry bushes and flowers and plants.

I began learning about politics pretty quickly and how things work and who is the key decision makers and am consistently working to help change laws. All signatures are greatly significant to any success of the continued rallying and gaining support for a good cause. like giving people who were adopted their own original identity and birth certificates.

Offering more choices for schooling in Iowa such as online learning opportunities never before offered here. Exciting!

and many other great causes like the fannie mae and freddie mac deal...i have one of those mortgages that went straight from countrywide straight down the drain into bank of screwmerica's hands. oops was that a mis-spelling? You would think so unless you were offered the same great customer service of harrassment, belittling and being hung up on when trying to pay your mortgage such as i constantly experience with them. ahhh so that explains my spelling "error"...any more questions? or have you too experienced the same thing?

I am an independent business owner with Amway. This company has grown beyond belief since i first was introduced to it 20 or so years ago. With a membership at a very low cost I have a website with really great products. vitamins and makeup are tested by highly professional and "green earth" scientists and Amway specialists to ensure we are getting the very very best of each product offered.

With a membership my commissions can only grow from here. It is a great investment for any family or even individuals who have drive to succeed and want to invest in there own future.

While my resume looks pretty disorganized, i am an artist. what can i say? i am having a very hard time looking for work when i do not remember the name of the now closed down semi truck small business that i hauled asphalt for one summer.

The college does not keep certificates after so many years where they can verify grades, temp agencies do not keep records after only a few do i put all of that into a professional resume and what about dates? who is going to verify dates if they themselves at company level do not even have access to old records.
Again even without my roots to past job proof due to companies not keeping it on file for so many years back it is almost as if i never existed at each place of employment...much the same as those who are adopted and just do not know their roots...
ugh. i give up. i am typing out every job i have ever had. printing it. and handing it out. after all isnt that what a resume is supposed to be, a reflection of your experience and the value to a new company.

unfortunately that is not how companies want to see a resume. why? that is just plain dumb. and incorrectly companies are only requesting to see a portion of your talents.
they are in for a big surprise in many cases when they only get a portion of a person's abilities, for example, a woman goes to apply for a waitress job, who has served people.
do they also want to know she is a member of the traveling circus? no they dont. but they should want to know that too.

there are many sides to people in life. a resume should be an overall view of a person and their abilities and experiences.
Contrary to popular belief - ok not really - it just looked good at the time being philosophical and near the river-i did not learn everything i know on the river. but in a way many lessons are learned there....
hiring managers should be focused more on finding this type of resume being turned in than just a certain one focused area type resume many now look for.

maybe i am wrong but this is my thought and view of the entire situation.

You can be anything you want to be.

i kinda wished to be and actually am starting out as in a smaller version of it in my garage, gypsy princess boutique and art gallery. i have a small studio for paint and art work in the garage as well as furniture just waiting for warmer weather to be repainted and put up for sale.

i believe this would be a great opportunity as a business in the local area. i just can't see spending a fortune on rent for a building with no other investors or business partners.

my business plan is very sound with results driven goals.

nothing in life is ever guaranteed. However, when you have fun in life, enjoy what you do and believe in what you do, the money will come. the best part is others believe in what i do as well.

when others believe in your purpose and your plan - that is when you know you have something good to work towards. Like my photography, amway, trying for better rights for citizens and neighbors as well as my book Shine or Sink...over coming challenges in life with quotes and photography work from my collection. Do you plan to shine or sink in life when a challenge comes your way?....

i will keep on doing what i am doing and keep on smiling. God does provide. He offers security and confidence and strength through miracles faith and prayers.Always Believe.

book not yet published. First edition copies are in the works and final planning stages...

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